Pilfered Power

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NecrolordPilfered Power

Anima-Rich Spoils
Start Balmedar's Oculus
End Balmedar's Oculus
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Necrolord Campaign
Experience 9,450
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] The Wayward Baron
Next N [60] A Fitting Guise


Drain anima from the Kyrian Spoils in the House of Rituals to fill the maldracite crystal.


The illusion ritual will require a substantive amount of anima to complete. Since such a resource isn't simply lying around these days, we will need to take some.

The abominations from the House of Constructs recently arrived with a delivery of anima-rich spoils from the raid on Bastion.

Use the maldracite crystal I've included in the parcel to extract enough anima for our ritual.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,450 XP


Anima doesn't grow on trees... at least not here. You had better get to work.


This should be sufficient.

Let us prepare for the ritual.


Fill the bar by interacting with Anima-Rich Spoils objects in the quest area.


  1. N [60] House of Rituals
  2. N [60] The Wayward Baron
  3. N [60] Playing Favorites, N [60] Pilfered Power, N [60] Burying Suspicion
  4. N [60] A Fitting Guise
  5. N [60] The Pupil Returns
  6. N [60] The Baron's Plan
  7. N [60] Mistress of Tomes
  8. N [60] Cantrip Collections, N [60] Errant Enchantments
  9. N [60] The Hall of Tomes
  10. N [60] Necessary Ingredients
  11. N [60] Heart of the Forest, N [60] Cage Free Spores
  12. N [60] The Final Reagent
  13. N [60] Explosive Schemes
  14. N [60] No Crate Unturned, N [60] Blinding the Brokers
  15. N [60] Designed to Fail
  16. N [60] Caught in the Act
  17. N [60] Improvised Implements
  18. N [60] A Helpful Hand
  19. N [60] The Traitor Unmasked
  20. N [60] The Better Part of Valor

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