Pay It Forward (Alliance)

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AlliancePay It Forward
Start Erunak Stonespeaker [45.2, 23.4]
End Erunak Stonespeaker [45.2, 23.4]
Level 30-35
Category Kelp'thar Forest
Experience 27700
Reputation +250 Earthen Ring
Previous Sea Legs
Next A [30-35] Rest For the Weary
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [30-35] Pay It Forward.


Use the Enchanted Conch Shell to rescue 6 Drowning Soldiers.


You are now able to move about this realm more freely and without fear of drowning.

This is where our work begins.

First, you have many allies nearby who are drowning as we speak. As I saved you, you must save them.

I have enchanted the shell you brought me. Use it to rescue your friends.

Hurry now!


Were you able to rescue the soldiers, <race>?

We will perish without their help...


While you were away, I was able to revive some of the fallen soldiers.

We'll need every hand if we are to survive here.


The conch has a surprisingly long range. Once bubbled, they will float their way back to the ship. Captain Taylor is one of the sailors players have saved.


  1. B [30-35] A Personal Summons
  2. B [30-35] The Eye of the Storm
  3. B [30-35] To the Depths or A [30-35] Hero's Call: Vashj'ir! or H [30-35] Warchief's Command: Vashj'ir!
  4. B [30-35] Call of Duty
  5. B [30-35] Sea Legs
  6. B [30-35] Pay It Forward
  7. B [30-35] Rest For the Weary
  8. B [30-35] Buy Us Some Time / B [30-35] Traveling on Our Stomachs
  9. Complete all of:
  10. A [30-35] On Our Own Terms / H [30-35] Bring It On!
  11. A [30-35] All or Nothing / H [30-35] Blood and Thunder!

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