Rest For the Weary

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AllianceRest For the Weary
Start Erunak Stonespeaker [45.2, 23.4]
End Captain Taylor [47.7, 22.6]
Level 30-35
Category Kelp'thar Forest
Experience 2750
Reputation +10 Earthen Ring
Rewards 78s
Previous A [30-35] Pay It Forward
Next A [30-35] Buy Us Some Time, A [30-35] Traveling on Our Stomachs
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [30-35] Rest For the Weary.


Speak with Captain Taylor.


You have done well, <race>, but there is much more to do and I grow weary.

I have expended a great deal of energy sending a distress message to Earthen Ring leadership, pleading for their help.

I must rest if I am to be of further use to us here.

Speak to the leader of the men you've saved and do what you can to help them prepare for battle.

The naga are scouting the waters for us. It is but a matter of time before they return - and they will surely come in even greater force.


You will receive: 78s


I hear you, <race>.

I understand the urgency, but these men are in no condition to fight.


Recovering Soldier
  • Did you see the size of that thing?!
  • Thank you, <race>.
You saved me from certain death.
  • I owe you, <class>.
Thought I was a gonner.
  • How are we going to get out of here?
  • If it's my time to die, I'm going to go down swinging!
  • It's a good thing the captain made it through. He'll know how to get us out of this mess.
  • It's just a matter of time before the naga find us here.
What will we fight them with?


  1. B [30-35] A Personal Summons
  2. B [30-35] The Eye of the Storm
  3. B [30-35] To the Depths or A [30-35] Hero's Call: Vashj'ir! or H [30-35] Warchief's Command: Vashj'ir!
  4. B [30-35] Call of Duty
  5. B [30-35] Sea Legs
  6. B [30-35] Pay It Forward
  7. B [30-35] Rest For the Weary
  8. B [30-35] Buy Us Some Time / B [30-35] Traveling on Our Stomachs
  9. Complete all of:
  10. A [30-35] On Our Own Terms / H [30-35] Bring It On!
  11. A [30-35] All or Nothing / H [30-35] Blood and Thunder!

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