Part of a Pack

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NeutralPart of a Pack
Start Hunter Jadar
End Hunter Jadar
Level 62-65
Category Ohn'ahran Plains
Experience 7,500
Reputation +200 Maruuk Centaur
Rewards 26g 21s
Previous N [62-65] The Hunting Hound
Next N [62-65] Try Again, Taivan!


Hunt the Ravenous Drake with Taivan and the pack of hunting bakar.


Perhaps your bakar needs to be shown the proper way to hunt by his own kind.

You may borrow some of our trained bakar. Take them and bring down the drake that circles the area.

Let us see how Taivan behaves in a pack!


You will receive:


Have you brought down that drake yet? My bakar should be more than enough for your quarry.


<Jadar shakes his head.>

Very disappointing. I'm afraid Taivan just does not have it in him to hunt like a Shikaar. Even with other bakar fighting beside him, he could not shake his unwillingness to attack his enemy.

What a waste!


Upon accept, Jadar calls several Hunting Bakar that join the adventurer and Taivan. Attack the proto-drake, but Taivan is Cowering in Fear:

Taivan yelps in fear and backs away from the proto-drake!


  1. N [62-65] The Trouble with Taivan
  2. N [62-65] The Hunting Hound
  3. N [62-65] Part of a Pack
  4. N [62-65] Try Again, Taivan!
  5. N [62-65] The Gentle Giant
  6. N [62-65] Shaping a Shepherd
  7. N [62-65] Reign of the Ram
  8. N [62-65] Danger in Daruukhan
  9. N [62-65] Saving Centaur
  10. N [62-65] Homeward Hound
  11. N [62-65] Taivan's Purpose

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