Pack Spirit

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Pack Spirit
  • Pack Spirit
  • Shaman Azerite trait
    While Ghost Wolf is active, heal for X every 1 sec.
Class Shaman
Type Defensive trait
Affects [Ghost Wolf]
Related buff
  • Pack Spirit
  • Heals X damage every 1 seconds.

Pack Spirit is an Azerite trait available to shaman.

Patch changes

Developers' note: In a previous hotfix, we reduced the effectiveness of all Tier 3 Azerite Traits that offer healing or absorbs to 20% in PvP. Unfortunately, three traits [...] were incorrectly set to 25% effectiveness in PvP. This issue has now been corrected.
  • Battle for Azeroth Hotfix (2019-06-28): Pack Spirit's healing reduced to 25% when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 50%).
  • Battle for Azeroth Hotfix (2018-12-11): Pack Spirit is reduced by 80% when engaged in combat with enemy players (was a 50% reduction).
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.

External links