Observational Notes: Stormrooks

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Observational Notes: Stormrooks.

Observational Notes: Stormrooks is found inside the Freywold Village inn on the Isle of Dorn.


Observational Notes: Stormrooks

<The journal contains several hundred loose leaflets of ironwood paper, folded notes, and misaligned parchment. The further back into the book you go, the older and more faded the notes become.

The inside cover is transcribed with a message that reads:>

The following notes contains personal observations concerning the nature and behaviors of stormrooks.

Author note: As a Stonebound Geomender, I do not claim to understand the full breadth of these elemental creatures. Rather, it is my hope to understand their origins and nature in order to better our connection with them.

- Geomender Harmot

Entry 204

The Origin of the Stormrooks

The precise origin date on the stormrooks seems to be unknown, though I suspect the Stormriders may know more and are not keen to share such information.

Judging from overheard conversations, their commentary seems to suggest the rooks appeared some time after the arrival of the earthen.

Some witnesses state the first rooks appeared around Dhar Oztan. This theory could be supported by the perpetual storm around the peak.

The initial nature of the stormrooks appear to align with that of wild elementals. Volatile, unpredictable, and aggressive. Stormriders appear to have the means to control these creatures, but their power appears difficult to control.

Unlike wild elementals which tend to be formless and random in their manifestations, the stormrooks appear to align with similar elemental beasts found in the region such as the ramoliths.

Entry 908

Observational notes: Rainstorms

While rainstorms that last several project cycles are typically disastrous for the Stonebound, I am pleased to make note that the stormrooks appear to relish in these occurrences.

During my latest visit to Dornogal, I witnessed a significant change in their behavior. Their speed increased greatly, the energy radiating off their wings and beaks was more volatile, and their flight patterns even seemed to attract lightning strikes! Fortunately, the Stormriders themselves appeared unaffected.

I cannot help but wonder if electrical currents have the same effects on stormrooks as healing clay has on ramoliths. Perhaps I will have future opportunities to observe.

Entry 2589

Successful Experiment: Charged Mosswool

My hypothesis was proven successful!

During a recent visit to Rambleshire, we discovered a strange static charge on the mosswools. I managed to bring a few samples to Dornogal and although the Stormward was too busy to see to my request, I was granted an audience with his Stormguard, Olbarig.

To both of our surprise, the stormrooks were quite interested in the charged moss. Ingesting it appeared to have a similar (if not significantly reduced) side effect as the lightning strikes had on the rooks and even appeared to heal one of them.

Although I suspect a true storm will always serve as the more effective means of healing and empowering rooks, our discovery has proven to be quite valuable to the Stormriders!

I look forward to my next visit to the Stormperch.

Entry 9534

Summary on Stormrook, Cloudrook and Ramolith bond.

In previous observations, I made note of the curious bond between creatures like cloudrooks or ramoliths and their riders. Both of these creatures appear to demonstrate deference to their earthen rider.

Furthermore, cloudrooks appear to be far more responsive and receptive to the hand of their trained rider and even comply with issued instructions.

Ramoliths have been observed stubbornly following their rider or rancher into the foothills or work sites and have even shown protective displays of guardianship when others attempted to separate them from their earthen.

Most curiously, stormrooks do not appear to demonstrate such obvious connections. Given the similarities between them and their cloudrook kin, I am most curious as to why.

Entry 9535

Continued Summary on Stormrook Behavior Differences

I do not intend to undermine the efficiency of the stormrooks. They are obedient and responsive to the commands of their riders, yet the inherent connection I've observed in other creatures appears to be far more muted.

Their guardianship is displayed through strict commands and their responsiveness tethered to the discipline of their rider.

Both of these displays appear to be far less forceful and more natural when demonstrated with cloudrooks or ramoliths.

Upon sharing my observations with Olbarig, they were immediately dismissed. It would seem that I am perhaps missing some crucial understanding that is privy only to Stormriders.

Entry 18,670

Stormrooks and Cloudrooks

Since I am unable to make frequent visits to Dornogal due to Stonebound project protocol, I have asked Olbarig to continue my observations of the stormrooks.

Much to my surprise, he took an interest in the city cloudrooks and the similarities they share with their stormrook cousins.

While stormrooks are more spirited, they are also faster and cleverer than cloudrooks, and have powerful offensive attacks. Because of this, they are exclusively utilized by the Stormriders.

Cloudrooks are slower and more docile, serving as transport mounts for messengers, workers and dignitaries. For this reason, they are often overlooked by the Stormriders.

Upon my next visit, Olbarig shared some of his notes on the rooks and even acknowledged some of my previous observations.

Entry 23,000

Stormrook Departure

Another stormrook anomaly has occurred. Olbarig tells me that several rooks, all of which had lost their rider in battle nearly half a cycle ago, have suddenly departed from the Stormperch.

A few Stormriders took after them but lost them in a storm to the northeast and were forced to return to Dornogal.

Without their riders to control them, the rooks in question had become inactive for the past half of a cycle. Efforts to reintegrate them into service were met with fierce protest from the stormrooks, of which Olbarig noted was a rare occurrence.

I have a feeling Olbarig has further thoughts on this incident that he does not wish to share with me.

Entry 31,860

It would seem my persistent inquiries inspired Olbarig to conduct his own experiments.

Olbarig has revealed to me the nature of the leg bindings worn by all combat-trained rooks. I merely assumed them to be decoration like the ones seen on cloudrooks or ramoliths, but Olbarig tells me that they are what keeps the stormrooks in check. No stormrider has ever been permitted to combat train a rook without bindings.

He would not tell me the exact origin of them, nor the details that seemed to be only privy to himself and the Stormward, but we did ponder if this stifled "bond" between rider and rook may be connected to these.

I will not press the Stormguard further. It would seem he has taken an interest in this topic personally.

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