Nulltheria the Void Gazer

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MobNulltheria the Void Gazer
Image of Nulltheria the Void Gazer
Gender Female
Race Dragon (Dragonkin)
Level 11-71 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Concord Observatory, Waking Shores[56.0, 45.8]
Status Killable

Nulltheria the Void Gazer is a dragon located at the Concord Observatory in the Waking Shores.


  • Spell priest void blast.png Corrupted Quasar — Caster calls a star down on the player, leaving behind a void zone that silences and inflicts 10 Shadow damage to the players within 3 yards every 1.5 sec. Instant.
  • Inv misc 83 voidfocus.png Void Empowerment — Causes the caster to inflict 30% increased Shadow damage. 2 sec cast. Lasts 30 sec. Enrage effect.
  • Spell priest voidtendrils.png Void Spike 30 yd range — Inflicts 9 Shadow damage to an enemy. 1.5 sec cast.

Notable loot

Inv 6 2raid trinket 3c.png [Memory of Nulltheria] Inv 10 inscription2 scroll2 color2.png [Technique: Illusion Parchment: Magma Missile]
Inv glyph minordruid.png [Cliffside Wylderdrake: Heavy Horns] Inv glyph minordruid.png [Cliffside Wylderdrake: Horned Jaw]
Inv glyph minordeathknight.png [Renewed Proto-Drake: Club Tail] Inv glyph minordeathknight.png [Renewed Proto-Drake: White Horns]

Criteria of

Patch changes

External links