Nix'k the Wicked

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MobNix'k the Wicked
Image of Nix'k the Wicked
Gender Female
Race Ascended nerubian (Humanoid)
Level 75-78
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Azj-Kahet
Occupation Lieutenant
Location Sanguine Grasps, Hallowfall
Status Killable

Nix'k the Wicked is an ascended nerubian located in Sanguine Grasps in Hallowfall. As a lieutenant, she was giving orders to his nerubian soldiers on the battlefield, so he was targeted by the defending forces. She is fought by Kurdran Wildhammer.


  • Spell fire twilightflamestrike.png Grimweave Burst — The caster weaves runes of webbing summoning a volatile ball of webbing above their target's location. It ruptures explosively on impact, inflicting Nature damage to players hit.
  • Ability warlock coil3.png Void Bolt — Hurls a bolt of void energy at an enemy, inflicting X Shadow damage.

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