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Image of Nita
Screenshot from Quest for Pandaria
Gender Female
Race Tauren
Class Druid
Affiliation(s) Horde
Status Alive
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Nita was stationed aboard the Warchief's Fist which resided off the coast of Tanaris, which caused the Alliance to send the Elwynn to observe.


She worked with the Cenarion Circle and developed a friendship with the night elf Lintharel in the past.

After Chen was picked up by the Horde Nita tended to him. When negotiations opened up between the Horde and Alliance each side sent a diplomat to the other side- Nita was sent to the Alliance and Baenan was sent to the Horde. However soon after arriving Nita was placed in chains and Captain Heller claimed that Nita had attacked him, when in reality she been taken prisoner because he wanted to ensure that the Horde sail back to Durotar.

When learning that the Horde was demanding their surrender and that not complying would see Baenan die, Heller declared that if Baenan's life was forfeit then so too was Nita's. A confrontation erupted as Lintharel spoke in Nita's defense. With Li Li Stormstout and Trialin aiding Lintharel, Nita was freed. But Heller was able to take advantage of the Warchief's Fist exploding to ram his sword through Lintharel, but found himself killed by Atropa before he could deal the death blow.

With both ships sinking into the sea Nita looked and did what she could for the survivors before joining Baenan, Trialin, Lintharel, and Atropa by moving towards land. While Chen and Li Li Stormstout said their goodbyes and returned to their quest to reach Pandaria. [1]
