Nightmare Incursions
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The subject of this article is exclusive to World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery. |
Nightmare Incursions are PvE events that occur near the Emerald Dream portals in Feralas, Duskwood, Ashenvale, and the Hinterlands. They involve battling mobs both near the portals and traversing the portals to kill enemies, gather resources, or defeat bosses within. Participating in Nightmare Incursions will earn reputation with the Emerald Wardens.
The Duskwood incursion is level 25, the Ashenvale incursion is level 40, and the Feralas and Hinterlands incursions are level 50.
Traversing an Emerald Dream portal gives the character the Emerald Nightmare buff and allows them to explore the familiar zone with new Dream-like qualities. Large, translucent foliage grows everywhere, and the creatures within are similar to their real-world versions with new qualities. Attempting to walk too far from the Dream portal's location afflicts the character with
Out of Bounds.
Various patches of Dream Fog drift around the zones, applying Dream Fog, a stacking slow.
If the character dies during an incursion, entering a Gate to reach the Emerald Dream again is unnecessary - characters that resurrect will still find themselves in the Dream.
Duskwood incursion

The Duskwood incursion includes the area between the Twilight Grove, Vul'Gol Ogre Mound, Yorgen Farmstead, and Rotting Orchard. Attempting to leave the bounds of this area will teleport you back to the crossroad between Duskwood and Stranglethorn Vale. Worgen are haunting the Rotting Orchard, protecting the [Shadowscythe], an ephemeral echo of the Scythe of Elune. Corrupted Green dragonflight members have laid eggs around the Yorgen Farmstead. A group of demented Splinter Fist ogres are haunting the alternate version of their mound, their magi ranting about their madness.
The available natural resources within this section of the Dream are [Cold Iron Ore] and
[Nightmare Moss].
- Within the Twilight Grove
Field Captain Palandar
Quartermaster Falinar
Scout Charla
Emerald Wardens
Duskblaze Shadowstalker
Nightmare Hound
Firestarter Imp
- Within the Emerald Dream Gate
Stitched Patroller <Another Gift from the Embalmer> (patrolling the main road between Raven Hill and Darkshire)
Black Widow Broodmother
Uprooted Gloomwood
Dire Wolf Alpha
- At the Rotting Orchard:
Dreamwarden Dorilar
Kroll Mountainshade <Druid of the Claw>
Amokarok <Lord of the Hunt>
Nightmare Runner
Nightmare Weaver
- At the Vul'Gol Ogre Mound:
Dreamwarden Thalinar
Elenora Marshwalker <Druid of the Claw>
Vvarc' Zul <King of The Woods>
Deranged Ogre
Demented Fire Weaver
- At the Yorgen Farmstead:
Dreamwarden Amalia
Alara Grovemender <Druid of the Claw>
Wyrmkin Terrorwalker
Nightterror Whelp
Ashenvale incursion
The Ashenvale incursion includes the area between the Bough Shadow, Forest Song, Satyrnaar, and the Warsong Lumber Camp. Corrupted green dragonflight members have laid eggs around Forest Song. The Dreamfire sect of satyrs is holding to an ancient [Azsharan Prophecy] at Satyrnaar. More odd, a group of goblins seemingly willingly crossed into the Emerald Dream to try to harvest it with their supercharged shredders. Boss "Gobb" Goldnick keeps watch on his
[Dreamengine], but vengeful treants have risen to attack the Warsong Lumber Camp in spite. South of the Lumber Camp is a Nightmare Amalgamation, related to the mysterious Shadowy Figure of Moonglade.
The available natural resources within this section of the Dream are [Fool's Gold Dust] and
- Within the Bough Shadow
Field Captain Hannalah
Quartermaster Kyleen
Scout Gemeron
Emerald Wardens
Emberspark Dreamsworn
Dreamhunter Hound
Dreampyre Imp
- Within the Emerald Dream Gate
Nightmare Grizzly
Dreamthorn Stalker
Deathhorn Stag
- At Forest Song:
Dreamwarden Ellodar
Doran Dreambough <Druid of the Claw>
Wyrmkin Nightstalker
Terror Whelp
- At Satyrnaar:
Dreamwarden Mandoran
Maseara Autumnmoon <Druid of the Claw>
Zalius <Dreamfire Elder>
Dreamfire Hellcaller
Dreamfire Betrayer
- At the Warsong Lumber Camp:
Dreamwarden Lanaria
Alyssian Windcaller <Druid of the Claw>
Boss "Gobb" Goldnick <Dream Profits and Extractions>
Shredder 9000
Vengeful Ancient
Nightmare Amalgamation
Feralas incursion

The Feralas incursion includes the area between the Dream Bough-Jademir Lake region, Oneiros, the Twin Colossals, and the Ruins of Ravenwind. Attempting to leave the bounds of this area will teleport you back to the Ruins of Ravenwind, unless you try getting to Desolace, in which case you will simply return to reality. Corrupted green dragonflight members have laid eggs around Oneiros. The Dreamspring group of harpies is holding to some delirious rantings of their "Harpy Queen" at the Ruins of Ravenwind. More worrisome, a group of lost sons and daughters of Cenarius can be found roaming around the Twin Colossals, their mad Keeper having written some battle plans against an unclear enemy.
The available natural resources within this section of the Dream are [Greater Moonstone] and
- Within the Dream Bough
Field Captain Arunnel
Quartermaster Valdane
Scout Thandros
Emerald Wardens
Moonwalker Betrayer
Night Hunter
Dreamshadow Imp
- Within the Emerald Dream Gate
Deathpetal Lasher
Rampaging Chimaera
Mad Sprite
- At Oneiros:
Dreamwarden Sheldryn
Mellias Earthtender <Druid of the Claw>
Wyrmkin Berserker
Frenzied Whelp
- At the Twin Colossals:
Dreamwarden Gorlas
Nerene Brooksinger <Druid of the Claw>
Alondrius <Keeper of the Nightmare>
Lost Daughter
Vengeful Son
Enraged Mountain Giant
The Giant
- At the Ruins of Ravenwind:
Dreamwarden Anadelle
Jamniss Treemender <Druid of the Claw>
Slirena <Harpy Queen>
Dreamspring Roguefeather
Dreamspring Stormcaller
Hinterlands incursion
The Hinterlands incursion includes the area between Seradane, Shaol'watha, Agol'watha, and Skulk Rock. Attempting to leave the bounds of this area will teleport you back to the bridge at Skulk Rock. Corrupted green dragonflight members have laid eggs around Agol'watha. The giant turtles of Shaol'watha have hidden several Dreampearls there, recovered from the Dreaming Sea, but their starshell might help reverse the damages done to the Dream.[1] The fallen wildkin at Skulk Rock are protecting the [Elunar Relic], a lost gift from Elune to their people.
The available natural resources within this section of the Dream are [Starsilver Ore] and
[Star Lotus].
- Within Seradane
Field Captain Korlian
Quartermaster Alandra
Scout Fallia
Emerald Wardens
Doomspark Starsworn
Starkiller Hound
Stardust Imp
- Within the Emerald Dream Gate
- At Agol'watha:
Dreamwarden Laninar
Elianar Shadowdrinker <Druid of the Claw>
Wyrmkin Starhunter
Wrath Whelp
- At Shaol'watha:
Dreamwarden Sanathel
Serlina Starbright <Druid of the Claw>
Dreamwater Vicejaw
Dreamhunter Hydra
- At Skulk Rock:
Dreamwarden Valori
Veanna Cloudsleeper <Druid of the Claw>
Fallen Moonkin
- The Twilight Grove in Season of Discovery.
- The Twilight Grove while within the Dream.
Patch changes
Patch 1.15.5 (2024-11-19): The Nightmare is now entered by a small portal at each location, rather than the large Emerald Dream portals on the Great Trees.
Hotfix (2024-08-23): Boss experience has been reduced by 50%.
Hotfix (2024-07-10): All non-Elite, non-Boss enemies in Nightmare Incursions now have health and damage values the same as a standard creature of their level. Previously, most had 50% more damage and health. Experience values for these enemies has been reduced by 33% in most cases, which is still more than standard creatures.
Patch 1.15.3 (2024-07-09): Nightmare Incursions event and quests have been adjusted.
- The repeatable mission quests have been converted to daily quests and may no longer be repeated multiple times on the same day.
- Daily quests now have a maximum level and can no longer be obtained. For Feralas and Hinterlands this is level 53.
- For players at max level wishing to finish off their Emerald Wardens reputation, special repeatable versions of the Moonstones, Moon Dragon Scales, and Moonroot gathering quests are available. These quests award no gold or experience but continue to award reputation through exalted with the Emerald Wardens.
- The power level of certain creatures within Nightmare Incursions has been reduced to make these quests more manageable in smaller groups or solo.
Hotfix (2024-04-16):
- There are now Emerald Warden guard NPCs present near Nightmare Incursion questgivers and quartermasters.
- Players will now gain the Honorless Target effect whenever they enter or leave a Nightmare Incursion portal.
Hotfix (2024-04-05):
- Nightmare Incursion Quartermasters can now repair gear.
- Quest objects in the Nightmare Incursions no longer require a cast time to open.
- Drakes' Corrosive Acid Breath now deals more reasonable damage when coming to the aid of Nightmare Incursion dragons.
- Satyrs' Plagued Shot damage has been reduced and the cast time has been increased.
- Plagued Shot now has a minimum range like hunter ranged abilities.
- The total gold rewards for Nightmare Incursions elite missions have been reduced by roughly 30%.
Patch 1.15.2 (2024-04-02): Added.