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Nightfall Darkcaster

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MobNightfall Darkcaster
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Gender Both
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level Dawnbreaker+1 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Order of Night
Location Dawnbreaker
Status Killable

Nightfall Darkcasters are Arathi found in the Dawnbreaker.


  • Ability priest psychiclink.png Rapid Summoning — Impaired from rapid summoning, reducing damage done by 80% and health by 70%.
  • Ability priest voidentropy.png Tormenting Beam — Pours shadow magic into a target for 6 sec inflicting X Shadow damage every 1 sec.
  • Spell holy prayerofshadowprotection.png Umbral Barrier — Enshrouds the caster in dark magic absorbing 232842 damage. Upon expiration the remaining absorb becomes permanent health.

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