Mystic Tomkin

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NeutralMystic Tomkin
Image of Mystic Tomkin
Gender Male
Race Tuskarr (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kalu'ak
Occupation Mystic
Location Unu'pe, Borean Tundra
Status Alive
Mystic Tomkin seen telling a story.

Mystic Tomkin is a tuskarr mystic found in Unu'pe in the Borean Tundra. He tells his fellow tuskarr a story every now and then.


On the hour Mystic Tomkin gives this speech:

Mystic Tomkin yells yells: Gather, gather. A story has come.
Mystic Tomkin looks at the gathered crowd and nods his head ponderously.
Mystic Tomkin says says: The tide has brought me a story. Listen, and be enlightened.
Mystic Tomkin says says: Through sunsets beyond counting, the tusked people have dwelled here in the land of ice.
Mystic Tomkin says says: We have lived on the bounty of the sea. We have grown fat on the meat of the antlered ones.
Mystic Tomkin says says: The sea and land has given us life.
Mystic Tomkin says says: Some seek to take the sea from us. The giant raiders have invaded our sacred place on the shore.
Mystic Tomkin says says: Some seek to take the land from us. The finned hunters squat upon the plains and devour the antlered ones themselves.
Mystic Tomkin says says: We are hunters, too. We are fighters. We can fight for the sea and the land.
Mystic Tomkin says says: But there is another threat to the tusked people.
Mystic Tomkin bows his head a moment to gather his thoughts.
Mystic Tomkin says says: There is a power flowing through all things that live. It carries many names.
Mystic Tomkin says says: The tusked people call it Silap Inua.
Mystic Tomkin says says: This power is harnessed by all thinking peoples to heal or harm. It is the power of life. It is the power of souls living and dead.
Mystic Tomkin says says: The threat to Silap Inua is known as those who would cage it. They will be called the blue-scaled ones.
Mystic Tomkin says says: The blue-scaled ones have great power. They work to control Silap Inua and take it from the wide ranging peoples of the world.
Mystic Tomkin says says: They threaten not only the ways of the tusked people, but the existence of all who live.
Mystic Tomkin says says: I give you this story.
Mystic Tomkin says says: We must fight those who would threaten our flesh, who would kill our children; we must look to our own.
Mystic Tomkin says says: But give what aid you can to the southern peoples, for they are the champions of Silap Inua.

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