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Gender Male
Race Nerubian spiderlord (Humanoid)
Level 70-80 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Light's Blooming, Ringing Deeps
Status Killable

Moth'ethk is a nerubian spiderlord located at Light's Blooming in Hallowfall.


  • Inv nerubianbeetlepet purple.png Call Drones — Calls forth several drones to assist the caster.
  • Ability druid disembowel.png Mandible Strike — Strikes the target, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Inv hammer 31.png Wallop — Slams into the ground, knocking back nearby units. Inflicts X Physical damage.
  • Spell nature earthbind.png Web Wrap — Channels a beam of webbing, rendering the target unable to move for 3 sec. When the effect ends, the target will be encased in webs, stunning them for 10 sec. If the webs surrounding the targets are destroyed, the target will be released.

Objective of


  • Chitin-Inscribed Vest
  • Nerubian Stagshell Gouger
  • Nerubian Venom-Tipped Dart
  • Nerubian Slayer's Claymore
  •  [Radiant Remnant]

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