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Image of Mor'Bitan
Gender Male
Race Lich (Undead)
Level 53-60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Rituals
Location Rotting Mound, Maldraxxus[73.6, 44.2]
Status Killable

Mor'Bitan is a powerful lich from the House of Rituals who assisted in the destruction of the House of Eyes.[1] He was later ordered by his house's new baron to personally oversee a ritual at the Rotting Mound[2] that would apparently grant him more power as a reward for his destruction of the Eyes.[1][3] Mor'Bitan sent his underlings, led by his lieutenant Mephiles, to harvest anima from the marsh of Glutharn's Decay in preparation for the ritual.[2][4][5]

During the Maldraxxus storyline, Baroness Vashj and other survivors from the House of Eyes seek vengeance against Mor'Bitan. After extracting information from Mephiles' memories, Vashj and the Maw Walker sabotage Mor'Bitan's ritual before luring him into the open and killing him. This act of deception empowers the Rune of Guile on the Blade of the Primus.[1]


  • Spell necro necroticsmash.png Deathbolt Rift — The caster opens a death rift, inflicting Shadow damage to nearby players every 1.5 sec for 6 sec.
  • Spell necro voodooblast.png Necrotic Bolt — Inflicts Shadow damage to an enemy and absorbs healing.
  • Ability deathknight icygrip.png Soulfrost Shard — Inflicts Shadowfrost damage.
  • Inv belt 44c.png Spectral Shackle — Shackles an enemy target, snaring them and inflicting Shadow damage.


Main article: War is Deception#Notes
Main article: Straight to the Heart#Notes

Objective of



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