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Image of Mishta
Title <Trade Supplies>
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cenarion Circle
Location Cenarion Hold, Silithus
Status Unknown

Mishta is a night elf trade goods vendor located at Cenarion Hold in Silithus.


Item Cost
 [Black Dye] 10s
 [Blacksmith Hammer] 18c
 [Bright Baubles] 2s 50c
 [Coal] 5s
 [Coarse Thread] 10c
 [Copper Rod] 1s 24c
 [Crystal Vial] 1s 50c
 [Design: Emerald Crown of Destruction] 1g
 [Fine Thread] 1s
 [Fishing Pole] 23c
 [Gray Dye] 3s 50c
 [Heavy Silken Thread] 20s
 [Heavy Stock] 20s
 [Herbalist's Spade] 1s 5c
 [Jeweler's Toolset] 8s
 [Mild Spices] 10c
 [Mining Pick] 81c
 [Nightcrawlers] 1s
 [Pattern: Cenarion Herb Bag] 2g
 [Pattern: Gaea's Embrace] 9g
 [Pattern: Satchel of Cenarius] 5g
 [Pattern: Sylvan Crown] 5g
 [Pattern: Sylvan Shoulders] 5g
 [Pattern: Sylvan Vest] 5g
 [Purple Dye] 25s
 [Red Dye] 50c
 [Rune Thread] 50s
 [Salt] 50c
 [Silken Thread] 5s
 [Skinning Knife] 82c
 [Strong Flux] 20s
 [Virtuoso Inking Set] 7s 50c
 [Weak Flux] 1s
 [Wooden Stock] 2s
 [Yellow Dye] 5s

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft but is present in Classic Era.

Inv potion 63.png [Black Dye]
11s 25c
Inv misc gem variety 02.png [Bright Baubles]
2s 81c
Inv ore tin 01.png [Coal]
5s 62c
Inv fabric linen 03.png [Coarse Thread]
Inv misc flute 01.png [Copper Rod]
1s 40c
Inv alchemy leadedvial.png [Crystal Vial]
28s 12c
Inv misc dust 02.png [Dust of Decay]
Inv drink 06.png [Empty Vial]
Inv fabric wool 02.png [Fine Thread]
1s 12c
Inv fishingpole 02.png [Fishing Pole]
Inv drink 10.png [Gray Dye]
3s 93c
Inv fabric silk 02.png [Heavy Silken Thread]
22s 50c
Inv mace 11.png [Heavy Stock]
22s 50c
Inv misc food wheat 02.png [Hot Spices]
Inv drink 06.png [Leaded Vial]
2s 25c
Inv misc food wheat 02.png [Mild Spices]
Inv pick 02.png [Mining Pick]
Inv misc monstertail 03.png [Nightcrawlers]
1s 12c
Inv scroll 03.png [Pattern: Cenarion Herb Bag]
2g 11s 76c
Inv scroll 03.png [Pattern: Satchel of Cenarius]
5g 29s 41c
Inv potion 02.png [Purple Dye]
28s 12c
Inv potion 11.png [Red Dye]
Inv misc dust 02.png [Salt]
Inv fabric silk 02.png [Silken Thread]
5s 62c
Inv weapon shortblade 01.png [Skinning Knife]
Inv misc food wheat 02.png [Soothing Spices]
1s 80c
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01.png [Strong Flux]
22s 50c
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02.png [Weak Flux]
1s 12c
Inv mace 11.png [Wooden Stock]
2s 25c
Inv potion 12.png [Yellow Dye]
5s 62c



Oh dear, I am running dangerously low on supplies! What is taking that blasted goblin so long?

Buy Let me browse your goods.

Patch changes

See also

External links