Merchant Shi

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NeutralMerchant Shi
Image of Merchant Shi
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 20-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Merchant
Location Inkgill Mere, Kun-Lai Summit
Status Alive
Relative(s) Wu-Peng (son)

Merchant Shi is a pandaren located in Inkgill Mere in Kun-Lai Summit. He travels with his caravan to trade with the jinyu and grummle of the region. The corrupt Inkgill jinyu took his son and goods. Shi sent adventurers of the Alliance and Horde to save both.

Although not directly stated, Swordmistress Mei and Dead Pandaren Guards were likely part of his caravan, as both Shi and Wu-Peng know Mei.





They took my son... They took my goods, I have lost everything. What could possibly have changed these Jinyu?


My son... though I have recovered my goods, what will come of him?

Post-My Son...

How does fortune smile on me so? My son, my livelihood returned to me...

To have thought that one day I was simply content with all this. How truly lucky I was!

Patch changes

External links