Swordmistress Mei

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NeutralSwordmistress Mei
Image of Swordmistress Mei
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 20-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Inkgill Mere, Kun-Lai Summit
Status Alive

Swordmistress Mei is a pandaren located at Inkgill Mere in Kun-Lai Summit. She arrived with three bodyguards, who were killed when the sha-infested villagers attacked. She was also partially corrupted, but later was accidently cleansed when caught in the middle of an ancient ritual performed by Waterspeaker Gorai. This information lead to Gorai realizing that the ritual was meant to extract sha corruption and with help, successfully cleansed the mere.

It is not stated what she is doing there, but it might have been to escort Merchant Shi's caravan.





Betrayed! We came here every week. They seemed to be simple traders.

Now these... fish-men greet us with one webbed hand, all the while with the other behind their back, holding their knives, waiting for us to turn around so they can plunge them in!


I hope you made them hurt, <name>.

Post-The Ritual

I can't believe how I felt before.

To think that I could have become posessed[sic] by the same thing that controlled these Jinyu, it's... disturbing, to say the least.


Main article: The Ritual#Notes

Patch changes

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