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Mayor Heathrow

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NeutralMayor Heathrow
Image of Mayor Heathrow
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Mayor of Bradensbrook
Location Bradensbrook, Val'sharah
Status Alive
Relative(s) Penelope Heathrow (daughter)
Darcy Heathrow (unknown)

Mayor Jon Heathrow[1] is a human located at Bradensbrook in Val'sharah.

He is the mayor of the village and has a dim view of strangers being present in the area, and claims that they don't need help.[2] Emmeline attributes this hostility to stress from being unable to locate his missing daughter, Penelope.[3]

Once his daughter was rescued, he indeed became more friendly.



Watch yourself. Make one wrong move and we'll throw you in chains.

Gossip What's happening here?

My people have seen too much suffering. It was the Scourge uprising that led us to flee Gilneas many years ago.
Now, undead creatures have risen from the fortress to the north.
I will defend this village to the bitter end.
After rescuing Penelope
My daughter is everything to me. I can't thank you enough for bringing her home safe.


  • He owned a manor outside the village.

Patch changes


  1. ^ Internal voice lines refer to him as 'Jon Heathrow', Wowhead - Jon Heathrow Greetings
  2. ^ N [10-45] A Village in Peril
  3. ^ N [10-45] The Farmsteads

External links

es:Alcalde Heathrow