Marta Finespindle

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AllianceMarta Finespindle
Image of Marta Finespindle
Title <Thick Leather Collector>
Gender Female
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gnomeregan Exiles
Location Military Ward, Ironforge
Relative(s) Finespindle
Gates of Ahn'Qiraj
The subject of this article or section was part of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, a one-time world event that heralded the opening of Ahn'Qiraj.

Marta Finespindle was a gnome quest giver located in the Military Ward in Ironforge.




Still collecting

Hi there, <class>! With the Ahn'Qiraj War drawing near, our preparations here are in full swing. I'm in charge of thick leather collection. It's a fine day for gathering thick leather, don't ya think? I've got my stacks here and it looks like we've got <number collected> right now. Our magic number is 80000. Want to help out?

Gossip What is an Alliance Commendation Signet?

An Alliance Commendation Signet is awarded to a <hero/heroine> who goes above and beyond the call of duty to the Alliance. Various Commendation Officers for the factions of the Alliance are located in all of the major cities; speak with the one with whom you'd like to raise your reputation, and give them the number of signets they ask for!
By the way, during the war effort here, if you'd rather receive a material reward for your signets in lieu of reputation, seek out Field Marshal Snowfall.
Collection complete

Wow! Looks like we already gathered all of the thick leather they think we'll need. That sure went by fast. You know, there are probably others around here that could use your help though if ya want to give 'em a hand.

Alliance war effort completed before Horde

Hello, <class>! I've went[sic] around and asked, and it looks like all of us here have collected everything that the Alliance needs to prepare for the Ahn'Qiraj War. Now we just need to encourage the Horde to do the same and then we'll be able to ship it all over to Cenarion Hold in Silithus.

Both war efforts completed

Hey there, <class>! Looks like the Horde collected the last of their stuff, and now theirs and ours is being shipped over to Silithus as we speak. I'm told it'll be there in less than 5 days, and then someone can ring that big gong near the Ahn'Qiraj gates to start the war.

Patch changes

External links