Marcus Redpath

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NeutralMarcus Redpath
Image of Marcus Redpath
Title Marshal
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Class Warrior
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Rotbrain undead
Former affiliation(s) Undercity, Stormwind, Kingdom of Lordaeron
Occupation Founder and leader of the Rotbrain undead
Former occupation(s) Marshal of Southshore's military, Headman of Southshore
Location Tirisfal Glades
Status Deceased
In Legends.

Marshal Marcus Redpath is an independent undead, newly raised by the Forsaken in Deathknell.


Marcus Redpath was the human headman of Southshore prior to the onset of the Second War, greeting Anduin Lothar, Khadgar, and the refugees from the Kingdom of Stormwind. He sent his fastest rider, Willem, to King Terenas to alert him of their arrival.[1]

After the Third War, Marcus became Southshore's marshal as he lost his position of headman to Magistrate Henry Maleb. Marcus was now a quest giver eager to rid the town of various threats, including the murlocs, Crushridge ogres and naga.

Marcus was called to investigate the murder of Erik Fallrook. The Marshal had to arrest Kerri Hicks, a member of the Darkmoon Faire who hit Erik the day before, as evidence against her was found by Redpath's soldiers. Later he visited Kerri in prison and informed her of her sentence - she would be hanged. Soon later he was visited by Peter Hamelspot and Yebb Neblegear who told him the true murderer of Erik - his brother Cedrick Fallrook. Marcus then appeared in the chaos caused by the Darkmoon Faire and allowed them and Cedrick to leave as his father, Terrence Fallrook, told him that Cedrick was with him that night.[2]

With the destruction of Southshore by Forsaken plague bombing prior to the Cataclysm, Marcus was killed with many other citizens. His body was transported to the Deathknell Graves and raised as undead, but when he was approached by a Forsaken agent to join them, he refused, instead opting to create a "Forsaken with elbows" faction.

He was later found at Rotbrain Encampment as the leader of the Rotbrain undead who were planning an attack on Deathknell. He was soon killed by the adventurers.


  • Ability heroicleap.png Heroic Leap — Leap through the air and slam down on all enemies within 8 yards of the target area, causing Physical damage.
  • Ability whirlwind.png Whirlwind — Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of steel that lasts 8 sec. and inflicts normal damage plus 110.


WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.

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Notes and trivia

  • Though he was removed from the open-world Hillsbrad Foothills, he can still be seen in Southshore vs Tarren Mill.
  • Before or after you finish the quest Assault on the Rotbrain Encampment the Rotbrains including their leader are neutral regardless of faction.
    • Although neutral for Alliance players, he is attackable.
  • Following his resurrection, Redpath seems to have lost much of his sanity. Though he was initially portrayed as simply a rebel, holding a massive hatred for the Forsaken and vowing vengeance for Southshore, following the Cataclysm beta his undead personality had changed completely.[citation needed] 


Marcus Redpath in life.
This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • He is a possible member of the extended Redpath family.
  • Despite being affiliated to Lordaeron, he might have used the Stormwind uniform because Southshore was at some point partially re-settled by Stormwind refugees.[3]

Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Changed from human to Forsaken.


External links

es:Marcus Rutagrana