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This article is about the titanic watcher. For the Time Rifts version, see Fel-Watcher Mara. For the horse, see Mara (horse). For the human, see Lady Mara Fordragon.
Image of Mara
Title <Reservoir Watcher>
Gender Female
Race Titanic watcher (Humanoid)
Level 68-70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Tyrhold Reservoir, Thaldraszus
Status Alive

Mara is a titanic watcher located in Tyrhold Reservoir in Thaldraszus.




I was left here by Tyr to keep watch over this reservoir. It is my purpose.

Gossip What is your relationship with Zuttiki?

Zuttiki is my personal attendant. She manages all my refti. I trust her with any task, and know that it will be carried out swiftly, confidently, and correctly.

Her love for her sisters is obvious. Her dedication to her work is unwavering. For over ten thousand years, she has stood strong by my side.

Like all the refti, I appreciate the work she does for me.

That being said, I must admit, seeing Zuttiki like this is troubling.

I do not understand why.

Gossip What is the purpose of the reservoir?

Tyrhold Reservoir was named for and built by Tyr long ago, before the dragons left the Isles.

He added the warding stones as a precautionary measure, to protect the city's water supply from the unusually high levels of elemental energy he detected.

Ten thousand years ago I was tasked with its upkeep and protection, should the dragons ever return home.

The Refti are here to help ensure I am able to see my duty completed.

Main article: Wotcher, Watcher?#Notes

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