Wand over Fist (Classic)

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For the current version, see A [10-30] Wand over Fist.
AllianceWand over Fist
Start Skuerto
End Skuerto
Level 39 (Requires 30)
Category Arathi Highlands
Experience 3,000
Reputation +100 Ironforge
Previous A [36] Worth Its Weight in Gold
Next A [39E] Trelane's Defenses


Find Trelane's Wand of Invocation and return it to Skuerto at Refuge Pointe.


Hey, <name>. Sorry to be so short with ye earlier... and no, that ain't a pun.

I figured out where Trelane's first item ended up: Kor'gresh has it in Boulderfist Hall. An' by the way he was throwing down blasts of ice at his kin to keep them in line, he must be close to figurin' out how to use all of its powers.

Boulderfist Hall's south of here an' then east of Thandol Span. Find the ogre an' get back that wand.

While you're gone, I'll figure out what we're gonna do about Stromgarde.


You will receive:


Our goal is the wand, <name>. Focus on that for now.


Brilliant, <name>. One item down an' three more to go, based on my list. The other three items are all in Stromgarde.

Take a rest an' get your strength back--the next phase of my plan'll require a little more time an' effort. Come back to me after you've gotten a warm meal an' some rest.


  1. A [32] Malin's Request
  2. A [36] Worth Its Weight in Gold
  3. A [39] Wand over Fist
  4. A [39E] Trelane's Defenses
  5. A [39] An Apprentice's Enchantment
  6. A [39E] Attack on the Tower
  7. A [39] Malin's Request

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