Lord Joran Tremaind

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AllianceLord Joran Tremaind
Image of Lord Joran Tremaind
Title <House of Nobles>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 50-70
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) House of Nobles, Breadbasket Guild (supporter), Stormwind
Location Saldean's Farm, Westfall
Status Alive
Relative(s) Unnamed parents

Lord Joran Tremaind is a human located at Saldean's Farm in Westfall. He is a member of the House Tremaind, which deals in lumber in Eastvale, and is gradually taking over the affairs of his parents. As a young noble of the House of Nobles, he heard of the Breadbasket Guild and recently began to support them, in order to thank the people of Westfall who once helped his family start their business. He is also one of the nobles of Stormwind who are interested in the "​​House of the People" idea proposed by Countess Cecilia Clessington.[1]



Greetings, traveler. Care to tell me a bit about your adventures?

Gossip <Ask who he is.>

I am Joran, of House Tremaind. My family currently deals in lumber in Eastvale, but once we had a hand in the farmlands here in Westfall.
As I'm starting to take over more of my parents' duties as noble, I heard Cecilia talking about her House of the People idea. I think it's intriguing! My family never would have gotten far in Eastvale without the help of the good people there.
I want to see it happen. And I think here, in Westfall... this is where it begins.

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