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Cecilia Clessington

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AllianceCecilia Primrose Clessington the Second
Image of Cecilia Primrose Clessington the Second
Title <House of Nobles>, Countess
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 50-70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) House of Nobles, Breadbasket Guild (supporter), Kingdom of Stormwind
Location Raven Hill, Duskwood; Westfall; Northshire Valley, Elwynn Forest
Status Alive
Relative(s) Count Clessington (father)

Countess Cecilia Clessington is a human located at Raven Hill in Duskwood.


  • Crafting
  • Will to Survive


Objective of


Main article: The New Clessington Estate#Notes
Main article: Supply Only the Finest Goons#Notes
Main article: The Clessington Will#Notes
Saldean's Farm

Oh! How wonderful to see you again, my friend.

Help yourself to some stew! I helped make the latest batch, though I think Salma was not impressed with my cooking skills...

Gossip <Ask what she's doing here.>

Vanessa and I have been talking a lot with the people here. In order to revitalize Westfall, we need to band together.
But not like the Defias Brotherhood. We need a clean slate.
So, the farmers and workers of Westfall are forming the Breadbasket Guild. As an official organization with the support of a noble --myself-- we'll be able to bargain with Stormwind for support, from a place of power.
Some leadership in Stormwind is already receptive to the idea. But there are still many in the House of Nobles who think like my father. And they're the sneakiest ones... the ones too smart to get caught out on corruption charges.
Gossip <Ask about something else.>

Gossip <Ask about her title.>

Yes, I took my father's title.
I wanted to leave. To dissolve my house and use what little assets remained to help rebuild something here in Westfall.
But Vanessa and I talked about it for a long time. I can do more good by entering the House of Nobles.
The House needs change and it starts here. It starts with the people. With their voices joined together loud enough to be heard behind the locked doors of the House. It can only help to already have my voice echoing them, inside.
So that's what I will fight for in the House. Not a House of Nobles, but a House of the People.
I'm certain this won't be met favorably by most other nobles. Not yet. But a few of the younger ones, like Joran here, have already started to listen.
Gossip <Ask about something else.>

Patch changes

External links