Pets Versus Pests (Alliance)

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AlliancePets Versus Pests
Start Lio the Lioness
End Lio the Lioness
Level 35-40
Category Garrison
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35-40] Pets Versus Pests.


Defeat the three pests in your garrison.

  • Carrotus Maximus defeated
  • Gorefu defeated
  • Gnawface defeated


I've been trying to get this place ready for your pets, but we've uncovered some rude pests while building the garrison. I tried to take care of them myself, but they are too tough for my meager team.

There's an angry carrot in the garden, an enormous rat eating our food rations, and an ornery water creature harassing the fishermen. If you can take care of them, I'll be free to finish up my work on your menagerie.


You will receive: 15g 40s


Any luck?


Thank you, <name>. Let's see if your pets like their new space!

Patch changes

External links