Li Goldendraft

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NeutralLi Goldendraft
Image of Li Goldendraft
Title <Innkeeper>
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 20-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Grummle Bazaar, Kun-Lai Summit[64.2, 61.4]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Syra (cousin), Peiji (uncle)

Li Goldendraft is a pandaren innkeeper of The Two Fisted Brew at the Grummle Bazaar in Kun-Lai Summit.


Inv misc food vendor blanchedneedlemushroom.png [Blanched Needle Mushrooms]
2g 60s
Inv misc food vendor boiledsilkwormpupa.png [Boiled Silkworm Pupa]
2g 40s
Inv misc food vendor needlemushroom.png [Dried Needle Mushrooms]
2g 40s
Inv misc leatherscrap 06.png [Dried Peaches]
2g 40s
Inv misc food 102 flatbread.png [Frybread]
2g 56s
Inv misc food cooked goldcarpconsomme.png [Golden Carp Consomme]
2g 60s
Inv misc food vendor greenfishbonescurry.png [Green Curry Fish]
2g 60s
Inv misc food vendor peachpie.png [Peach Pie]
2g 60s
Inv drink milk 01.png [Pearl Milk Tea]
2g 60s
Inv misc food 168 ricecake01.png [Pounded Rice Cake]
2g 40s
Inv misc food vendor redbeanbun.png [Red Bean Bun]
2g 60s
Inv misc food vendor roastedbarlytea.png [Roasted Barley Tea]
2g 40s
Inv misc skeweredpeanutchicken.png [Skewered Peanut Chicken]
2g 60s
Inv misc food vendor tangypeachyogurt.png [Tangy Yogurt]
2g 60s
Inv misc food vendor toastedfishjerky.png [Toasted Fish Jerky]
2g 40s
Inv misc food vendor yakcheesecurds.png [Yak Cheese Curds]
2g 40s



Trick to drinking with grummles is not to stop. With any luck, they'll pass out before you do.

Post-N [10-35] Getting Permission

I hear you are the reason my cousin Syra is sending me wedding invitations.

Thanks a lot. Now I have to be the unmarried black yak of the family.

Gossip Make this inn your home.
Buy I would like to buy from you.

Patch changes

External links