Kick 'em While They're Down

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This article is about the Landfall daily quest. For the Netherstorm quest, see N [25-30] Kick Them While They're Down. For the Grizzly Hills daily quest, see A [15-30P Daily] Kick 'Em While They're Down.
HordeKick 'em While They're Down
Start Kaelis Sunsoar
End Kaelis Sunsoar
Level 15-35
Type Daily
Category Landfall
Experience 236,000 XP
Reputation +150 Dominance Offensive
Rewards 19g 84s 50c
Repeatable Yes


Kill 12 Lion's Landing military units.


The Alliance may think they have a stranglehold on the ruins, given that their base of operations is close. We're going to disabuse them of that notion. Go take out some of their guards.


You will receive: 19g 84s 50c

Upon completion of this quest you will also gain:


They're not dead yet, are they?


Oh, what a fine day. Alliance fools defeated, and our research is moving ahead quite nicely.


Patch changes

External links