Keeper Adranas

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NeutralKeeper Adranas
Image of Keeper Adranas
Gender Male
Race Keeper of the grove (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dream Wardens
Location Eye of Ysera, Emerald Dream
Status Alive

Keeper Adranas is a keeper of the grove found in the Eye of Ysera in the Emerald Dream. In the past, he accompanied his great friend, Gracus, to fight against the Emerald Nightmare on an islet that the kid Rani dreamed herself into. He invited the adventurer to rest in the Dream. After they woke up, he was called by the adventurer to come to say farewell to Gracus. After defeating the memory of the past, Gracus passed, and Adranas remained to tend to his burial site. He was eager to meet his new friend who would be born from Gracus.


  • Spell nature stranglevines.png Entangling Roots — Immobilizes an enemy for up to 6 sec. Inflicts Nature damage to an enemy every 2 sec for 6 sec.
  • Spell nature wrathv2.png Nature's Wrath — Inflicts Nature damage to an enemy.


Objective of


Main article: A Solemn Summons#Notes

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