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Rani child.jpg
Gender Female
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 70 / 5
Class Druid
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dream Wardens
Location Eye of Ysera, Emerald Dream
Status Alive

Rani is a Zandalari troll found in the Eye of Ysera in the Emerald Dream. A dream child version of Rani is seen with Peppers on an islet north of the Eye. It is the vision of the past, when she dreamed into the Dream as a kid, and the ancient Gracus protected her from the Emerald Nightmare, which set her on the path to becoming a druid. She attended the farewell of Gracus alongside other druid friends. After his passing, she remained to tend to the burial site.

Objective of



I came here once, as a child.

Not on purpose. It was terrifying, to have dreamed myself into another world.

It started me on the path of becoming a druid. So it is good to be back, in better spirits.

Main article: A Solemn Summons#Notes

Patch changes

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