Ixlorb the Spinner

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MobIxlorb the Spinner
Image of Ixlorb the Spinner
Race Nerubian sage (Humanoid)
Level 75-78 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Tenir's Ascent, Hallowfall[57.1, 64.4]
Status Killable

Ixlorb the Spinner is a rare nerubian sage located at Tenir's Ascent in Hallowfall.


  • Inv misc questionmark.png Viscous Ejection — Ixlorb ejects a mass of web at nearby players, inflicting X Nature damage and rooting players caught in the blast for 6 sec.


One-time warband bonus:

Criteria of


  • During the beta, they were renamed from Ixlorb the Weaver.

Patch changes

External links