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Not to be confused with Ivan (tombstone) or Ivan, Bladewind Brute.
Image of Ivan
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Aspen Grove Post, Grizzly Hills

Ivan is one of the leaders of the trappers of the Grizzly Hills. He can be found at Aspen Grove Post, and is guarded by a small company of his comrades.

Lieutenant Dumont sought to seek the aid of the locals against the Horde presence in the region, and thus sent adventurers to help recover a cedar chest that was stolen from Ivan's trappers.



Once the chest reaches Ivan's hands, he speaks:

You did it! You recovered the Sc... you recovered the chest that the Horde stole from us. We thank you, <name>.

Although the trappers pledge to assist the Alliance, this hints that the player accidentally gives the fabled Scythe of Elune to Ivan, who is later revealed to be a possible member of Archmage Arugal's Wolfcult. However, Dark Riders and Curse of the Worgen would later detail the Scythe's life, and at no point could it have possibly been in Grizzly Hills. If it was meant to be the Scythe, the plot point has been dropped.

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