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Instructor Kierrii

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AllianceInstructor Kierrii
Image of Instructor Kierrii
Gender Female
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 10-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Arbor Glen, Shadowmoon Valley
Status Alive

Instructor Kierrii appears at Arbor Glen after pushing back the Shadowmoon clan invasion. She is teaching the three students, Hakaam, Rastaak, and Ariaana, who were saved in A [10-40] Think of the Children!.


Kierrii and the kids
Instructor Kierrii says: Long ago, before the exodus aboard the Oshu'gun, the draenei made up just a small portion of the great eredar civilization.
Instructor Kierrii says: Hakaam, please tell the class the name of the world that the eredar once called home?
Hakaam says: Um... Is it Eredor?
Instructor Kierrii says: Good guess, Hakaam, but the world is actually called Argus.
Instructor Kierrii says: The eredar were a wise and powerful people. It was only through the deceitful corruption brought upon them by a fallen deity that led to their downfall.
Instructor Kierrii says: Now, Rastaak, could you tell me the name of the fallen deity who was responsible for corrupting the eredar?
Rastaak says: Sargeras, I think...
Instructor Kierrii says: Very good, child.
Instructor Kierrii says: When Sargeras approached the eredar with his plans, our wise prophet saw through his lies and was able to save a small number of his people. Those few survivors are what make our civilization today.
Instructor Kierrii says: Who can tell me the name of the prophet that saved our people from corruption and led us to Draenor? What about you, Arianna?
Arianna says: Velen, Miss Kierrii.
Instructor Kierrii says: Indeed it is. Well done.
Instructor Kierrii says: However, even a prophet such as Velen could not hope to save the draenei alone. In his quest he was aided by divine beings of light.
Instructor Kierrii says: Does anyone know the name of the beings that helped Velen save the draenei people?
Hakaam says: Ooh, I know this!
Instructor Kierrii says: Go ahead, Hakaam.
Instructor Kierrii says: The naaru!
Instructor Kierrii says: Very good, Hakaam!
Instructor Kierrii says: Our people, the draenei, were the only ones to escape the absolute corruption of Sargeras. The remaining Eredar were transformed into his dark minions.
Instructor Kierrii says: For extra credit, what do we call these minions, now that they are no longer recognizable as eredar?
Ariaana says: The man'ari, Miss Kierii.
Instructor Kierrii says: Well done, Ariaana. That is correct.
Instructor Kierrii says: That concludes today's lesson. Be sure to study up for our next lesson on the wonders of our new homeworld of Draenor.

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