Injured Windtotem Survivor

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HordeInjured Windtotem Survivor
Image of Injured Windtotem Survivor
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Windtotem tribe
Location Watering Hole, Ohn'ahran Plains [69.3, 47.8]

Injured Windtotem Survivor is a tauren located just west of the Watering Hole in central Ohn'ahran Plains. Players come across the survivor during N [70] A Tomul-tuous Beginning during the Old Hatreds storyline.


Shortly after we entered the plains, we saw our first centaur. They feigned friendship so they could assess our strength and numbers, then signaled their comrades to attack.
We have been harried by them ever since. Their latest attack was in force, and it took all we had to repel them.
This Tomul has offered to help, but we have an old saying--"beware the centaur bearing gifts".

Patch changes

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