Illusia Lune

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AllianceIllusia Lune
Image of Illusia Lune
Title <Innkeeper>
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valiance Expedition
Location Wintergarde Keep, Dragonblight
Status Alive

Illusia Lune is a night elf innkeeper in Wintergarde Keep in the Dragonblight. She is one of the inhabitants of Wintergarde Village saved by the player during A [15-30] Flight of the Wintergarde Defender; therefore, she can be found at the keep only after the completion of this quest.

She had a husband and children, and was friends with a couple or family named the Whisperveils; all of them were killed by Kreug Oathbreaker, and later Illusia posted a wanted poster to have him killed.




We will never forget your bravery, <name>. You are always welcome in Wintergarde.

Would you like to make this inn your home?

Inn Make this inn your home.
Buy I would like to browse your goods, Illusia.

Patch changes

External links