Hotfixes/2008 Archive

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Summary info on the 2008 hotfixes.

Additional info:

  • For information on specific patches, please see Patches.
  • For info on known bugs and other issues which may be fixed in the upcoming patch see the Known issues page.
  • For official Blizzard descriptions of types of patches, see Patch § Types of patches.
  • For articles related to patches, see Patches category.
  • Unless stated otherwise, all official announcements of hotfixes can be found in a Hotfixes blog post - the link for which is found at the top of every month's hotfixes.
Note: Descriptions on this page may be paraphrased or shortened. See links at the top of each section for the full original posts.


November 26

November/December Hotfixes 12/02/08 | 2008-12-02 by Blizzard Entertainment Nethaera | Original link

As of November 26, a hotfix was applied that corrected an issue where object ownership was not properly transferring between the factions in Lake Wintergrasp. Both factions can now access the appropriate ownership assets including NPC accessibility and teleport pads.


June 17

17/07 Demonic Sacrifice Hotfix | 2008-07-17 by Blizzard Entertainment Vaneras | Original link

Warlocks using the Demonic Sacrifice ability will once again resurrect with their pet if they die without summoning another pet.


May 28

Kil'jaeden Soul Flay Hotfix | 2008-05-28 by Blizzard Entertainment Daelo | Original link

Kil'jaeden's Soul Flay ability [...] now targets the player with the highest threat against Kil'jaeden, regardless of the distance between the player and Kil'jaeden. The normal threat buffer that prevents a creature from changing targets to someone outside of melee range does not exist with Soul Flay. Soul Flay will still not target a player who is immune, however.

17/07 Anetheron hotfix | 2008-07-17 by Blizzard Entertainment Vaneras | Original link

The Anetheron encounter in Hyjal Summit has been hotfixed and you should now once again encounter the Towering Infernals after he uses his Inferno ability.

May 14

Archimonde and Eredar Twins Hotfix | 2008-05-14 by Blizzard Entertainment Daelo | Original link

  • The following changes were applied:
    • Archimonde's doomfires should no longer be able to move right through him after they spawn. Their movement should now be much more consistent with the previous patch's behavior.
    • Fixed a bug in the Eredar Twins encounter that prevented a hunter's [Feign Death] ability from working if Lady Sacrolash was alive.


April 13

Hotfixes for the Week of April 7 - 13 | 2008-04-10 by Blizzard Entertainment Drysc | Original link

Several bugs have been fixed with the Shattered Sun Pendants. Shattered Sun Pendants of Acumen and Might will now be triggered only by spells and abilities which cause damage. Shattered Sun Pendant of Might will no longer break crowd control effects such as Scattershot with its triggered effect. Shattered Sun Pendants of Acumen, Might, and Restoration now all have correct range limits.


March 30

Hotfixes for the Week of March 24 - 30 | 2008-03-26 by Blizzard Entertainment Drysc | Original link

March 11

Darkmoon Faire Hotfix | 2008-03-11 by Blizzard Entertainment Drysc | Original link

A hotfix has been applied that [...] will resolve the issue with the Faire running one week earlier than expected and will match the dates of the Faire to those listed on the event calender.


February 23

Nalorakk and Mother Shahraz: Parry Fix | 2008-02-23 by Blizzard Entertainment Tigole | Original link

Nalorakk and Mother Shahraz will no longer haste their attacks following a parry. [...] These encounters had been set up to not haste after parry for some time, but there was a bug in the implementation which we have identified.


January 8

Balinda and Vanndar Health Increased – Hotfix | 2008-01-08 by Blizzard Entertainment Drysc | Original link

We've recently applied a hotfix that increases the hitpoints for both Balinda Stonehearth and Vanndar Stormpike in Alterac Valley. This change is being made to help assist in balancing the opposing sides and their ability to compete in the battleground.

January 5

Battleground AFK Reporting Hotfix | 2008-01-05 by Blizzard Entertainment Bornakk | Original link

To help improve the quality of play in Battlegrounds we have applied a Hotfix that significantly reduces the number of AFK reports needed to mark a player as inactive and prevent them from gaining Battleground Marks and Honor Points.