Holiday Bromance (Horde)

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For AllianceAlliance version, see Alliance  [Holiday Bromance].
Feast of Winter Veil
The subject of this article or section is part of Feast of Winter Veil, a seasonal event that lasts several weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.

Holiday Bromance is related to the seasonal world event, the Feast of Winter Veil. Completing this achievement is a criterium for the meta achievement  [Merrymaker].

The required  [Mistletoe] can be obtained by kissing Winter Revelers in inns.


Though the list of brothers is much shorter than the one for Alliance  [Holiday Bromance], they are harder to get to.

  1. Brother Malach in Undercity is standing near the group fighting in the War Quarter.
  2. Durkot Wolfbrother can be found in Warsong Hold in Borean Tundra near the Wolf Stables.
  3. Brother Keltan is in Icecrown on the patrolling Airship (find the current location by looking at map)

Two of them are in Northrend, requiring the Wrath-Logo-Small.pngWrath of the Lich King expansion. Getting to Brother Keltan requires [Cold Weather Flying].

Patch changes

External links

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