99 Bottles of Booze on the Beach

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Alliance99 Bottles of Booze on the Beach
Start Dron Blastbrew
End Dron Blastbrew
Level 10-30
Category Hinterlands
Experience 2,550
Rewards 30s


Collect 12 bottles of Pupellyverbos Port


Now, I know we've got a little battle ragin' and all that, but down at the overlook cliffs are some nice lookin' bottles strewn all over the place. I don't want good drink to fall into the hands o' the Horde!

If you're down that way, collect the bottles for me and bring 'em back here. I'll pay in full for it as if you bottled 'em yourself.


About 12 should do the trick, aye?


That's the stuff! Wouldnt' want any trolls or goblins gettin' pleasure out of these, now would we?

Maybe I can work a bit of this into my next brew...


You will receive:22s


Aerie Peak

  1. A [10-30] Hero's Call: The Hinterlands!
  2. A [10-30] Razorbeak Friends & A [10-30] A Mangy Threat
  3. A [10-30] Out to the Front

Stormfeather Outpost

  1. A [10-30] The Wicked Revantusk & A [10-30] Gan'dranda
  2. A [10-30] Skulk Rock Clean-Up & A [10-30] Skulk Rock Supplies
  3. A [10-30] Down with the Vilebranch


  1. Complete all of the following:
  2. A [10-30] It's Ours Now & A [10-30] Hunt the Keeper A [10-30] Venomous Secrets
  3. A [10-30] Quel'Danil Lodge

Quel'Danil Lodge

  1. A [10-30] In Defense of Quel'Danil & A [10-30] The Highvale Documents

Proceeding to the common conclusion for both factions: the Shadra quest chain with A [10-30] The Eye of Shadra.

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