Gutter tribe

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MobGutter tribe
Main leader IconSmall Kobyss.gif Grand Gluttony
Race(s) Kobyss Kobyss
Theater of operations Salien Gutters
Status Active

The gutter tribe[1] of kobyss are a group that makes its home within the Salien Gutters; the run off point from the cisterns of the City of Threads. This tribe is noted by the nerubian alchemist, Al'kubian, to be stronger than other kobyss.[2] This strength was later determined to be coming from the various things they were eating, including ascended nerubians.[3] Seeking alchemical reagents, Al'kubian tasked an adventurer with culling some of their numbers, as well as rescuing various nerubians that the kobyss were holding hostage for later consumption.[4]

Their leader, Grand Gluttony, was noted for being more intelligent than the rest due to the amount of nerubians it had eaten.[5] They also made liberal use of salamanthers as pets; feeding them the nerubians as well.




  • Mob  Gutter Cramhunter
  • Mob  Gutter Scarfer
  • Mob  Gutter Gorger
  • Mob  Salien Carapiercer
  • Mob  Drooling Salamanther
  • Mob  Adolchomper
