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Moonlight Gutter Swim

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NeutralMoonlight Gutter Swim
Start Al'kubian [60.2, 68.7]
End Al'kubian [60.2, 68.7]
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 5,800
Rewards 11g 70s
Previous N [78-80] A Fin of Every Kind, N [78-80] That's Pretty Gross
Next N [78-80] Grand, Gutsy Solutions


Collect Liverseeker's Intestines and Leg Chewer's Stomach.


An ascended's leg...

A kobyss tribe feasting one or two dozen trueborns or skitterlings, perhaps even a sageform such as myself... But an ascended is a different story.

Let us approach this as intellectuals and use the tools at our disposal to collect more data. What tools do we have? You. You are the tool. An intellectual tool of kobyss disposal.

Dive into the lake's depths. Slay the largest of these creatures or their pets

And, of course, bring me their innards.


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s
  • 5,800 XP


Any profits I gain from my work goes directly to scientific and alchemical research.

As in, I use the profits for myself, and I am an alchemical scientist.


Ah, I must apologize. I realized I yet had another spare innards sack. It only dawned on me once you were away...

That aside--Well done. Good job. Impressive labors. So on, so on.


Liverseeker is at the eastern end of the lake, disguised as a Kaheti Captive, and Leg Chewer is at the western end.


  1. N [78-80] A Fin of Every Kind & N [78-80] That's Pretty Gross
  2. N [78-80] Moonlight Gutter Swim & N [78-80] Rescuing the Food
  3. N [78-80] Grand, Gutsy Solutions

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