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  • Tremorsense
  • Something is hearing you move. Stand still or on thick rocks to reduce detection.
The interface bar tracking the player's Tremorsense amount.

Tremorsense is an environmental mechanic in the Wormlands and the hollows of Rak-Ush in Azj-Kahet. Moving on soft ground will fill up a bar at a rate of around 5% per second, and jumping or falling while moving instantly grants 20% Tremorsense, as indicated by a visual effect of a puff of dust when landing (jumping in place has no effect). At 90-100%, a Razormouth Devourer will spawn from the ground and attack the player. The Tremorsense amount decays rapidly while standing still or while on solid objects like rocks and roots.

Patch changes

See also

  • Unseeming Shift

External links