Greatfather Aldrimus

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NeutralGreatfather Aldrimus
Image of Greatfather Aldrimus
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Undead)
Affiliation(s) Auchenai
Location Various
Status Active
Relative(s) Clarissa (daughter), Ha'lei (grandson)
Student(s) Exarch Maladaar[1]
Oriignal appearance.

Greatfather Aldrimus is a draenei ghost located at the entrance to the Auchenai Crypts in Terokkar Forest. After Exarch Maladaar is killed by adventurers, the naaru D'ore redeems his spirit, and Aldrimus thanks the naaru for having him redeemed while Maladaar is thankful that Aldrimus orchestrated his death.

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Many years later, when the Auchenai began rebuilding Auchindou and the Exodar draenei were preparing for a Tishamaat, Aldrimus could be seen at the Ring of Observance with Auchenai Soulpriests.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Auchenai Crypts, Terokkar Forest[35.0, 65.2] 15-30 Alliance Horde As a quest giver.
Ring of Observance, Terokkar Forest[37.25, 61.93] 50-70 Alliance During the draenei heritage questline.


Bc icon.gif The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.3.0 but is present in Burning Crusade Classic.

Patch changes


External links