Glory of the Horde

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Warcraft III World Editor
This article is about a fan created custom map designed on Warcraft III with the World Editor.
The map contains non-Blizzard information, and events are not official.
It should not be taken as representing official lore!

Glory of the Horde

Glory of the Horde (GotH for short) is a Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne custom map made by Panter_anthro. This map will lore-wise take you on an alternate timeline if Orgrim Doomhammer's Orcish Horde came out victorious in the Second War. This takes place ten years later where the Alliance still holds out many resistances across the land, notably Stratholme, Gilneas, Upper Ironforge, and Sentinel Hill.

The Human Alliance

The Human Alliance has suffered great losses recently, notably Lordaeron being sacked, Stormwind burning, Quel'Thalas burnt, and so forth. However, they have won several victories lately such as; retaking Pyrewood, Ambermill, and Shadowfang Keep. Recently, King Genn Graymane has announced himself Supreme Ruler of Humanity, with nobody to challenge his rule. This is due to the fact that all other kingdoms, aside from Kul Tiras and Alterac, have burned and/or currently defending what they have left. Lead[sic] by Genn Graymane; Prince Arthas, King Muradin Bronzebeard, and the Exiled Prince Varian Wrynn, the Alliance strives to usher in a new age for Azeroth.

The Orcish Horde

Recently, the Orcish Horde has freed themselves from The Burning Legion's Bloodpact and Orgrim Doomhammer has declared war upon the Legion. This has divided the Horde in half, Gul'dan's Orcs, the Dragonmaw clan, the Amani, and the Legion, which are fighting to defeat the Warsong, and Doomhammer clans. Alterac has also sided with Doomhammer in this time of war.

The Burning Legion

The Orcish Horde, having Betrayed the Legion, enraged the Demons, The Fel Orcs of Hellfire Citadel, now fight against the Clans of Draenor, and the vicious outlaw Grom Hellscream. The Fel Horde of Auchindoun and Hellfire Citadel stand vigilant against the remaining clans. However, in the north, the growing power of the Alliance has caught Gul'dan's attention. The Archlich Gul'dan has now sided with the Amani chieftain, Zul'jin, and is dedicated to defeating Prince Arthas, Aedelas Blackmoore, and Kurdran Wildhammer. During this time, the Archlich has created the Northern Plaguelands (formally know as the Eversong Woods). These diseased forests are doomed to possibly never recover.