Ghostlands Guardian

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HordeGhostlands Guardian

Ghostlands Guardian.jpg

Ghostlands Guardian female.jpg
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 1-30, 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City
Occupation Guard
Location Tranquillien, Ghostlands

Ghostlands Guardians are blood elf guards that protect Tranquillien. They either stand guard or patrol the area. Max level versions will spawn if any PvP-enabled NPCs are engaged.

When a group of undead from the Dead Scar approach Tranquillien, the guardians respond to their arrival and quickly deal with them.

Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

When the Scourge led by Vorath attacked the town after the war against the Jailer, the guardians fought against the undead. Some of them were wounded and tended to by Crusader Dawnheart and Rommath in the main building.


  • Here they come again! Stand ready!
  • That's done it! Hopefully Rommath will send reinforcements soon.
  • Another batch of the Scourge has been destroyed!


  • Likely due to a bug, they also display an empty yell line.


Patch changes

External links