Creeping Through Corridors

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NeutralCreeping Through Corridors
Start Lilian Voss [69.6, 71.7]
End Lilian Voss [56.7, 90.6]
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 12,200
Rewards 10x [Valorstones]
23g 40s
Previous N [80] A Spider's-Eye View
Next N [80] Making of a Monster


Investigate the western stockpile, central warehouse, and royal stores of the Transformatory, using anger pheromones to distract guards and avoid detection.


I've identified three sites of interest to investigate.

A stockpile on the east side of the complex, a warehouse in the center, and lastly, that big storehouse with royal Sureki flags outside it. We'll rendezvous there.

There's less chance of discovery if we move separately through the area. You may be hidden from most nerubians, but the Ascended will sniff you out. Chuck some of these anger pheromones at them if you get heat, it'll distract them.

Stay sharp, stay quiet.


You will receive:


Don't let your guard down. Not here.


We came down here to figure out what these nerubians were up to. I don't think I like the answer.


On accept of both:

Lilian Voss says: If those Ascended guards get close, hit 'em with one of these vials. It'll provide a... distraction.
Y'tekhi says: They don't look tough--I'm sure you'll be fine. Enjoy slinking around, I'll be walking right in.
Y'tekhi winks at you.
They walk off.

Before heading out, Y'tekhi has gossip:


Gossip How do these aggression pheromones work?

They are... experimental.

Any trueborn nerubian who catches a whiff of them will become incandescantly angry and feel compelled to attack.

You can see the utility in warfare, but also the potential for friendly fire. I'm not surprised they never saw widespread use.

Gossip How did you get them?

They fell off a rickshaw, of course. Lucky for us, mm?

Gossip Let's talk about something else.

While on these quests, players have an extra action button:

Vial of Aggression Pheromone 35 yd range — Pelt a patrolling guard with anger pheromones to temporarily distract them. Not available while in combat. Instant (3 sec cooldown)

Use it while not in combat on Ascended Webwardens, who have truesight.

The Canister of Vial Ooze is inside a building to the east:

Lilian Voss says: Yech, Black Blood. Don't touch that stuff. I'm not surprised we found some here, but I don't like that they're moving it around.

In the central warehouse is a Suspicious Shipping Container. Interact with it and an Ascension-Crazed Soldier pops out!

Ascension-Crazed Soldier yells: Blood! It's in my blood!

Fend it off:

Y'tekhi says: Fresh from the Transformatory and still dripping with ichor. They're shipping these Ascended to the front before they've got their wits about them.

Head further southwest to the next marked building:

Lilian Voss says: This... changes the situation. I don't like the look of that huge thing.
Y'tekhi says: It's an added bit of intrigue, that's for sure. Who's keeping it bound, and why?

Walk in and get close to the First Ascended, let it roar, then walk back to Lilian.


  1. N [80] Gathering Intel
  2. N [80] A Spider's-Eye View
  3. N [80] Creeping Through Corridors & N [80] Lab Access
  4. N [80] Making of a Monster
  5. N [80] The Queen's Chains
  6. N [80] Rogue Agent
  7. N [80] Go Loud & N [80] Manufactured Mutiny
  8. N [80] News From Below

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