A Power Lost

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AllianceA Power Lost
Start  [Drained Crystal Fragment]
End Artificer Baleera
Level 10-40
Category Garrison Support
Experience 13,690
Reputation +250 Council of Exarchs
Rewards 11g 40s
Next A [10-40] Restoration
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-40] The Intricate Pendant.

This quest starts the profession quest line for jewelcrafters to unlock 700 skill and the Gem Boutique for your garrison.


Find someone in Embaari Village well-versed in gemology and magic.


<The fragment gleams in the light as its aura's final pulse fades.>

The power within the fragment appears to be drained.

You recall hearing travelers speak of a local in Embaari Village who specializes in imbuing gems with magic.


You will receive:


What have you got here...

Only a keen eye would be able to spot the potential of this drained crystal. You may not be familiar with draenei crystals yet, but your familiarity with gems certainly shows.

Tell you what... if you would assist me in the troubles we're having with our local defense crystals I'd gladly share some of my own expertise in jewelcrafting with you.

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