Assault on the Fel Forge

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For the normal version of this quest, see B [40 Daily] Assault on The Fel Forge.
Alliance & HordeAssault on the Fel Forge
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Garrison Support
Experience 1,500
Rewards 600x [Oil]
2000x [Apexis Crystal]
50g 94s


Assault the Iron Horde reinforcements at Ironhold Harbor in Tanaan Jungle.


The Iron Horde continue to bring in reinforcements from all over Draenor to reinforce their position at Hellfire Citadel. If we don't cut off the flow of supplies then we risk losing control of our plans in Tanaan.

A strategic attack to the supply lines at Ironhold Harbor is just the thing to keep the Iron Horde on the defensive and maintain our momentum.


You will receive:


This is a special, one-time-only version of B [40 Daily] Assault on The Fel Forge that is available during B [40] Garrison Campaign: The Warlock.

Patch changes

External links

Alliance Horde