Forum:Alliance Strength Missing: Arcane Magic

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Forums: Village pump → Alliance Strength Missing: Arcane Magic
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Hey, Norgannon here. I am just wondering WHY in the Alliance page on their strengths there is not a single mention about their mastery over the Arcane. (Mages, Wizards, Sorcerers ect) They are clearly more powerful with it then the Horde.

--Norgannon the Dreamweaver (talk) 02:56, 8 February 2011 (UTC)

You are forgetting who taught humans magic in the first place. A faction of the Highborne only joined the Alliance recently and the Kirin Tor remains neutral. I'd say that both sides have talented individuals, which prowess can be added to both sides if it is lacking a description. TherasTaneel (talk) 22:17, 13 February 2011 (UTC)

I decided to make this post to those who think the Horde beat the Alliance with the Arcane. I will tell you HOW the Alliance are more powerful with the Arcane then the HOrde. I will also tell you the population of the certain race. And please note that the population I am showing you is not the population of mages for that race, but the entire population of that certain race. And don't go nerd rage if you think the population is wrong. I got them from the only source of a WoW/Warcraft book which HAS the population. And in Cataclysm this could all change.

The Alliance Mage Races:

Alliance Humans. Population: Atleast 190,000. The Alliance Humans were taught by the High Elves with the Arcane, but the High Elves were very shocked to discover that the Humans could summon more raw magic then the High Elves ever could. But the Humans lacked the control the High Elves had. So the common Human Mage is considered a powerhouse of Arcane magic while the common High Elf is known for their control. The humans even built the number one city of the Arcane and learning of the Arcane, known as Dalaran. They even created the sect of the most powerful mages in all of Azeroth, known as the Kirin Tor. And MOST of the most powerful mages in the lore, ARE human. The human mages are indeed a very powerful. They are also known as very good learners. Also, in the lore it is said the humans are the most populated out of all magic users, mostly mages.

High Elves. Population: 25,000. The High Elves taught Humans the Arcane and were shocked to discover that the humans could summon more raw magic then they ever could. But the High Elves still had better control over the Arcane. So both races are somewhat different from eachother. The High Elves tend to use frost magic over fire magic. While their hated Blood Elves use fire magic over frost magic. At the moment, 90% of the High Elves became Blood Elves, with 15% of those Blood Elves joining Illidan in Outland, and who knows how much Wretched. The High Elves live longer then the humans which means they have more knowledge of the Arcane then them. The only race which knows more then them are the Dranei, who are the most knowledgable race playable due to their long lives. You could consider the High Elves being the better controllers of the Arcane for the Alliance, as aposed to most of the mages of the Alliance being powerhouse humans. Just like the Forsaken are the Hordes powerhouse of the Arcane, The High Elf mages are indeed very powerful.

Night Elves. Population: Atleast 45,000. The Night Elves were one of the FIRST mortal races to master the Arcane. And they were very skilled at it. But the most powerful and skilled of those Elves were the Highborne, especily Queen Azshara. They had the most powerful source of arcane magic on Azeroth the Titans had left for them. Known as the Well of Eternity. Which is more powerful then any known magical source today. Their magic attracted the fallen Titan known as Sargeras, and he tricked them into summoning him. Eventualy the war grew out of hand and the Night Elves ( Not the Highborne ) stopped them. But in turn the Well of Eternity blew up, and the entire world was changed forever. After the Sundering, which is when the Well of Eternity exploded, the Night Elves forbade Arcane magic, but some Highborne didn't listen, and they were cast out. They found the land of Quel'Thalas and created the Sunwell with ONE vial of the Well of Eternity. They eventualy became High Elves. In Cataclysm, Highborne will rejoin the Night Elves, which will bolster the Arcane might of the Alliance. The Night Elves are indeed a very powerful mage race, but most of them don't use the Arcane until Cataclysm. The Highborne joining are also over 8000 years old due to their immortality through that demon in Dire Maul. Which means they would be the second most knowledgable race of the arcane in the Alliance, after the Draenei.

Dwarves. Population: Atleast 55,000. The Dwarves are split up into 3 factons. Wildhammer, the Shamanistic and nature loving Dwarves. Ironforge, holy wieding and warrior like Dwarves who love to forge and drink beer! Yay!. Dark Iron, the Sorcerer and fiery from the deep parts of the earth Dwarves. Out of these Dwarves, the Dark Irons are the most known Dwarven Mages. But Ironforge Dwarves still have been known to mages, mabye not as much as the dark irons, but Blizzard never let them as a class. But in Cataclysm, the Dark Irons split up into TWO groups. Ones who join Ironforge, led by Moria, the daughter of Magni. And the ones who joined the Twilights Hammer. So I am guessing because of the Dark Irons joining, the Ironforge Dwarves will have a bigger population of mages. But from all this. It would seem proper as they are related to the Titans. Kinda. And as the Titans are far more powerful with any known magical type of any other race in the lore. So it would be proper for them to learn off of them. Even though most of them are not on Azeroth.

Gnomes. Population: Atleast 2,800. The Gnomes have ONE important thing to note. They are very smart! And Gnome Mages are known to be the most creative of all the mages accrording to the lore. Their spells either end up brilliant or very bad. Gnomes could also end up as Techno Mages, which are Mages who use technology with the Arcane, and knowing Gnomes, it could be a good combo for them.

Draenei. Population: Atleast 2,000 to 10,000. The Draenei are the immortal race of the Alliance. They were once called the Eredar, but now have changed their names to the Draenei, meaning "Exiled Ones" Though they are still Eredar, they are just another group of them, the other being the Manari Eredar who are the leading demons of the Burning Legion. They once lived on a wonderful world known as Argus, whose races were also inteligent. They mastered magic of all forms. And they were so powerful and talented with magic, that Sargeras even wanted them to be his number one demonic race. The Draenei now work with two things. First, their new great love for the Holy Light, which their Naaru friends are made of. And second, the path of the Arcane, which they have always followed. The Draenei are probobly one the most knowledgable mages in all of Azeroth due to their immortal lives. They would even more knowledgable then the High Elves, Blood Elves and the Highborne as the Draenei are known to have lived long before the Elves came to be. So it would seem they are the most knowledgable playable race in the game. Some of the Draenei have lived over 25,000. And example being Velen. Draenei being the most knoledgable race shows that they are one of most powerful mages in Azeroth. The Draenei, Humans, High Elves, Highborne ( mabye gnomes and dwarves ) and the Worgen are probobly the most powerful Arcane users of the Alliance, as opposed to the Blood Elves and the Forsaken being the most powerful Arcane users of the Horde.

Alliance Worgen. Population: Unknown. Not much to explain here. the Alliance Worgen are just humans who have the worgen curse! Coolness extreme! So that means they are just another powerhouse of the Arcane like the common human mage.

The Horde Mage Races:

Horde Blood Elves. Population: Atleast 150,000. The Blood Elves are basicly High Elves who renamed themselves "Blood Elves" to honor their fallen bretheren and to remember the destruction of their kingdom. 90% of the High Elves became Blood Elves. 15% of those Blood Elves joined Illidan in Outland. And who knows how much Wretched came after. The Blood Elves and the Forsaken are probobly the most powerful mage races in the Horde. The Blood Elves use fire magic over frost magic, while their hated High Elves use frost magic over fire magic. They used to have a powerful source of the arcane, but not anymore. They got their Sunwell back, but it has holy magic now. ( new opening of belves in cata tells you ) Which was due to the spark of the dying Naaru in the raid. ( This does not means the Horde are more powerful with the Holy Light then the Alliance now ) This is also funny considering the Sunwell is now empowered by Naaru magic, but even more funny that the Draenei have a living Naaru in their city. So the Alliance have portable sunwell in a way. Hehe. UPDATE: It has been confirmed by Metzen that the Sunwell is 50/50 arcane n' holy light now. But again, this does not mean the Belves now beat the Alliance with arcane and holy light.

Forsaken. Population: Atleast 16,000. The Forsaken are basicly dead humans. Which means they are just another powerhouse of the Arcane for the Horde as opposed to the Blood Elves, being better controllers of the Arcane, Just like the High Elves are the better controllers of the Arcane for the Alliance. The forsaken and the Blood Elves are probobly the most powerful arcane users in the Horde, as opposed to the Draenei, Humans, High Elves, Highborne and the Worgen being the most powerful Arcane users of the Alliance. Lore wise, the Forsaken like to use frost magic as they are cold in death.

Darkspear Trolls. Population: Atleast 6,500. The Trolls will learn anything for the better of their tribe, this includes the Arcane. Not much to say here.

Horde Goblins. Population: Unknown. The Horde Goblins have seen to be mages, so they could be brilliant mages just like the Gnomes, thought mabye not as brilliant, as the gnomes invent for fun, while Goblins just do it for cash, and they wont go far into fixing their probloms unlike Gnomes. Goblins could end up as Techno Mages, which are mages who use tecnology with the Arcane, and knowing the Goblins, it could be a good combo for them.

Horde Orcs. Population: Atleast 18,000. In Cataclysm, the Orcs will become mages, which makes sense as alot of Warlocks are former Mages, and alot of ARE Warlocks, which means it could go vise versa. Mage to Warlock. And mabye Warlock to Mage now. But that is only something to think about. But then again, some Orcs have been seen to be mage like. So I guess that is why they are mages. If Orcs are good warlocks, then mabye they can be good mages just like the humans.

Tauren. Population: Atleast 8000. I couldn't help but put them in this, because I have only seen one Tauren mage, the one in BRD. Though mabye I have seen more.

So in the end, it seems the Alliance have the better advantage over the arcane. Lore wise, the human race have the biggest population of mages on Azeroth. Though in the new book the Shattering it is revealed that the Alliance lost 50,000 during the war with the Lich King, and yet that is still not enough for the horde to over populate them. Though you can't expect the Horde to have lost none either.

What do you guys think? This post pretty much sums it up. --Norgannon the Dreamweaver (talk) 02:36, 14 February 2011 (UTC)

I already showed major points to why the Alliance are more powerful with the arcane then the Horde, and I see no change in the Alliance page. Can somebody PLEASE put that the Alliance have an advantage with the arcane in their page? Like why is this..? This is just one of many things I see missing on Wowpedia. --Norgannon the Dreamweaver (talk) 15:48, 19 February 2011 (UTC)
I'm not sure what you're having trouble with...? Can you show the edit in question? --Pcj (TDrop me a line!C207,729 contributions and counting) 15:51, 19 February 2011 (UTC)
Last I checked, Wowpedia is not an outlet for fanon fantasies concluded by MMO champion polls. I can appreciate that you've been on some deranged crusade to prove this "fact" on various forum boards, but that's where it belongs. Not worth getting upset about :-) Kellykins (talk) 16:12, 19 February 2011 (UTC)
You're complaining because nobody has added what you said on this page, which I did not read, by the way, to the other page you're referring to, yes? Well, you are more than capable of editing pages, so either change it yourself or don't. Either way, whining will get you nowhere. P.S. This site is Neutralneutral, so any edits showing favoritism towards one faction or the other is likely to be reverted. —EGingellTC Treader of Cenarion Circle 03:15, 20 February 2011 (UTC)
I am incapable of trusting anything that says things like "probobly" and "Dranei", so all I can really say is {{citation needed}}. --Shirik (talk) 04:35, 20 February 2011 (UTC)