Firim in Exile, Part 3

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Firim in Exile, Part 3.

Firim in Exile, Part 3 is a scroll found on the ground in Faith's Repose in Zereth Mortis.[37.55, 46.13]


Firim in Exile, Part 3

Why had I been burdened by the company of minds so small?

Even in a land of infinite wonder, the dullards who worked alongside me in Haven failed to appreciate the purpose that drove my every thought and deed.

I had to reach the Sepulcher.

It was blasphemy, they claimed. The mysteries there were too sacred. Truths not to be approached, or even pondered.

They labeled me a heretic. When my back was turned, they sabotaged my research. Just as I neared the translation of a new cypher, Kreth would send some meddling pilgrim to interfere.

Our bitter feud stretched on and became irreconcilable. Finally they declared me an apostate and banished me from Haven--the very foothold I had given them!

Still, I bore this indignity in a manner befitting one of my intellect and resolve. In exile, I would outpace them all.

And so I did.

Criteria of

Patch changes

See also

  1.  [Firim in Exile, Part 1]
  2.  [Firim in Exile, Part 2]
  3.  [Firim in Exile, Part 3]
  4.  [Firim in Exile, Part 4]
  5.  [Firim in Exile, Part 5]
  6.  [Firim in Exile, Part 6]
  7.  [Firim in Exile, Part 7]
  8.  [Firim in Exile, Epilogue]

External links

Item Object