Firim in Exile, Part 5

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Firim in Exile, Part 5.

Firim in Exile, Part 5 is a scroll found on the ground in the Devoured Cache in Zereth Mortis.[38.97, 31.12]


Firim in Exile, Part 5

I observed many types of automa of varied sizes and shapes. Guardians, builders, collectors--and a more petite variety that seemed to revel in duties of upkeep and repair.

Besides an unwavering devotion to their obligations, these automa shared another notable trait: their language. They spoke not in words I could understand, but in tones and echoes.

Know that I, Firim, am renowned for my linguistic skills. Though arrival in the Shadowlands imbues mortal souls with a knowledge of the words of Death, many retain memories of the languages they used on their worlds.

And what is language if not a system of sounds and patterns, I ask you?

So yes, of course I had absorbed countless languages during my interviews of mortal souls. Thus you will understand my confidence that the language of the automa would pose little challenge.

Never in my existence had I been so wrong.

The language of the automa was not merely words. No! It was part and parcel of the cyphers! The words themselves were keys to understanding the geometry. The fractals.

There was so much waiting to be discovered. But it was when I encountered one of the rarest forms of automa that my mind was truly opened.

Criteria of

Patch changes

See also

  1.  [Firim in Exile, Part 1]
  2.  [Firim in Exile, Part 2]
  3.  [Firim in Exile, Part 3]
  4.  [Firim in Exile, Part 4]
  5.  [Firim in Exile, Part 5]
  6.  [Firim in Exile, Part 6]
  7.  [Firim in Exile, Part 7]
  8.  [Firim in Exile, Epilogue]

External links

Item Object