Elder Kreth

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NeutralElder Kreth
Image of Elder Kreth
Gender Male
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Enlightened
Former affiliation(s) Cartel Al
Location Haven, Zereth Mortis[34.85, 64.88]
Status Active

Elder Kreth (formerly Executor Al'kreth)[1] is the foremost of the three elders who lead the Enlightened brokers of Haven in Zereth Mortis. The other two are Elder Zoor and Elder Ara.

Once, Al'kreth was "perhaps the most glory-driven" member of Al'firim's expedition to find Zereth Mortis, but like the others he soon began to view the First Ones' works as sacred.[1] He played a part in sabotaging Firim's research when refused to stop studying the First Ones, and later in exiling Firim from Haven.[2]

According to Elder Ara, Kreth follows a strict interpretation of how best to honor the works of the First Ones.[3] He adamantly believes that the Enlightened can't understand and therefore shouldn't meddle with the First Ones' creations,[4][5][6] and he is suspicious of outsiders.[4]


Into the Unknown
  1. N [60] Forging Connections Activequest
  2. N [60] Defending Haven AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N [60] This Old Waystone
  4. N [60] The Forces Gather Activequest
Forming an Understanding
Forging a New Path
Not Al Are Lost


Main article: Forging Connections#Notes
Main article: Defending Haven#Notes
Main article: The Forces Gather#Notes
Main article: Reinforcements May Be Necessary#Notes
Main article: Core of the Matter#Notes
Main article: Seeking the Unknown#Notes
Main article: Enlisting the Enlightened#Notes
Main article: Enlightened Exodus#Notes
May your time in Zereth Mortis be short.

Patch changes


External links